Thursday, November 19, 2009

Misleading Info is Not Entirely Brothersoft's Fault

The link provided here is (as is says) an "Official Download", but it does not result in getting the AVS DVD Player (version, but the downgraded AVS Media Player (version The link is official because it comes from the AVS4YOU website, but it is AVS4YOU that is misleading by giving it the name of AVSDVDPlayer.exe that is in their downloads directory which is a bit sneaky and IMO quite dishonest. Seven months ago (April 21, 2009) I was able to download the real AVS DVD Player and it was version I will be attempting to use the "Report Invalid Link" and we shall see if Brothersoft is more interested in the traffic that this fraudulent link provides or in their reputation for providing the best links to online software.

I can see that the Sidewiki has a definite advantage for providing truth since the website cannot delete the entries.

in reference to: Free AVS DVD Player FREE Download (view on Google Sidewiki)

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