Thursday, December 2, 2010

Malware Description IS Very Poor

This is the first sentence of two that Symantec has given in its summary for the malware:

Trojan.ADH is a detection technology designed to detect entirely new malware threats without traditional signatures.

My initial thought was that this malware was using some new detection technology, but then after re-reading I realized it was being detected by technology being utilized by Symantec. Here is my simple modification to that sentence:

Trojan.ADH was detected by technology designed to detect entirely new malware threats without traditional signatures.

That would be the bare minimum change needed. A slightly different wording with another improvement would be:

Trojan.ADH has been detected by technology designed to identify entirely new malware threats without traditional signatures.

And this is the final most effecient revision:

Trojan.ADH was detected by technology designed to find entirely new malware threats without traditional signatures.


As an additional comment I would to add my following observation. I did not see an explanation for what ADH meant, but am guessing that it stands for Automatic Detection Heuristic. When I was checking the spelling for heuristic by type in my toolbars search box (with search suggestions turned ON) I saw heuristic.adh listed that might indicate that I might be corrent in this assumption.

in reference to: Trojan.ADH | Symantec (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

YouTube Help Page - Accurate, but I wish...

YouTube Help Page - Accurate, but I wish they would add another choice from the existing options to replace the current list so that the user to select remove it entirely.

I like that the page shows me how current it is with the dimmed text for the last time it was updated and in this case it shows the date of 10/9/2010.

I think that Google is making a valiant effort to put back the You in YouTube because it shows and not just in words, but by actions. Which can be seen from looking at their known issues page.

in reference to: The playlist bar : Learn More - YouTube Help (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Downloading YouTube Videos in MP4 File Format

This is a Sidewiki entry for this specific part of this web page: "Some partners on YouTube allow you to download their videos in the MP4 file format."

This used to work and I was able to download a video that I had purchased via Google Checkout, but for some reason it does not work now. At first I thought it was because of YouTube's redesign of the internal workings because the video that I had purchased is still listed as having been purchased and the expiration date says that it does not expire; although the YouTube user/partner was not so happy with the quality of the MP4 and was no longer making that video available for sale.

But I just finished purchasing another video and I still don't get any way to download it as an MP4 file. Hopefully they will fix this since I used the 'Report a Bug' feature that can be found to the lower, left of most YouTube pages.

in reference to: Viewing MP4 video files : Learn More - YouTube Help (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Latin Small Letter A Should Have Breve Instead of Macron

The first entry in the table for the letter a with the example given as 'pat' has the Macron 'ˉ' modifier mark above it, but it should be the Breve ' ˘ ' modifier mark. The corrected entry should look something like this:

║ ă ║ pat

in reference to:

- (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Excellent YouTube Channel

This YouTube channel is a very good demonstration of what the 'new' YouTube Design was intended for.

in reference to: YouTube - CapriccioMusic's Channel (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, June 11, 2010

You have version (Adobe - Flash Player)

This is the page that will show you specifically what the version number is for the Adobe Flash Player installed. I tried to highlight the text 'You have version'as it says to do for Sidewiki, but this text may be 'Flash Text' because it is not registering like it normally does.
At this time I am being shown that I have version 10,1,53,64 installed for my Vista Home Premium 64-bit OS running the Internet Explorer version 8 web browser. I had read that this version 10-1 is suppose to support 64-bit machines.

in reference to: Adobe - Flash Player (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Two Breaks sometimes equals a Paragraph

This is my second selection from TheThemeSong DOT com site. At least this time I got something, but still don't understand what the word 'song' has to do with this. I think the HTML programmer (or maybe this was compiled automatically) intended to have a line break (or maybe two that is like a paragraph command) just before the sentence that starts as 'Based on the book by Roberto Saviano....

Strange there is NOT a single period used in that entire description. Possibly further indicating the this was not done by a person? Maybe it was data mined?

in reference to:

- Gomorrah movie theme song - The Theme Song (view on Google Sidewiki)

This selection does not have anything

Teacher's Pet movie theme song
No description available 115 hr

The above information is all I got on this page. This was one of their choices from the main page.

TheThemeSong DOT com may be a bogus site. I will check some of the other choices out to see if I can get anything.

in reference to: Teacher's Pet movie theme song - The Theme Song (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

'Cleaned Up' for some is 'Thow Out' for others

This cleaning has removed features like for me being able to blog directly to LiveJournal. I use to be able to select which playlist to add a video by the keyboard letter and the first letter of my playlist, but no longer. I have tried to find out why or who to contact about LiveJournal not being supported but YouTube may have become ThemTube.

in reference to:

"Cleaned up actions bar: Actions like sharing, rating, saving or flagging a video are now all grouped in one place, with a cleaner, simpler "button bar." We thought a lot about practicality here, choosing to expose only the most commonly used actions and language"
- YouTube Blog: The Video Page Gets a Makeover (view on Google Sidewiki)

Ratings and Help Section

In the help section it still speaks of a 5 Star system and I was trying to help a government site that is probably very confused because it also has the 5 Star system (which apparently a Terms of Service Agreement with Google has specified) may be one of the reasons it has not been deleted.

in reference to:

"Simplified binary ratings: As we noted in an earlier blog post, the rating system on YouTube doesn't really work that well (e.g. only the 1 and 5"
- YouTube Blog: The Video Page Gets a Makeover (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Spoofing and Emails - From or Form

The monthly report from my Norton program suggested this link regarding email security, but has confused me. They have called this "Form spoofing" and I quote:

Form-spoofing is annoying, but it’s not dangerous. It’s the sender entering your name and address into the From field in their mail program instead of their own. Outlook, for one, makes this a snap. During the setup process, when asked to enter one’s own email address, spammers choose this option.

Since the name of the game for spammers is hiding their tracks and making sure you receive their mail, from-spoofing is natural. By putting your address in the From field, they obscure the true sender and nearly guarantee that your spam filter won’t block their email.

[end quoting]

I searched for both "Form spoofing" and "From spoofing" and I think this problem with email is best described as 'FROM-SPOOFING'.

This article on Email spoofing makes no mention of "Form spoofing", but does mention "from" and "Reply-to" (

in reference to:

"Form-spoofing is annoying, but it’s not dangerous. It’s the sender entering your name and address into the From field in their mail program instead of their own."
- Cybercrime News: Expert Q & A - Your Security Resource (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Link for "adjust the display" is bad

I just installed the new version of Google Toolbar and came to this page about Quick Search Box and am a bit confused. The info I remember last from the Known issues was that is was discontinued with no expectation of reviving it. The odd thing is this help page was updated July 15, 2009. So from this one would think the feature were available. And apparently it is available, but the link on this page to "adjust the display" is not any good.

in reference to:

"You can adjust the display of the button."
- Enable or disable the Quick Search Box : Master advanced features - Toolbar Help (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Blog was becoming Spider Food

From reading this paragraph I think I now understand another reason for comments that were being left at one of my other blogs that were pure advertisements.

And so I also can see this is why many blogs require some type of sign-in to prove that I am not a machine.

in reference to:

"Spider food websites are intended for consumption by search engine software which spiders the web to index pages. Their purpose is to increase the perceived importance of another website by their links to it, so promoting that site in search engine rankings."
- Open Directory Editorial Guidelines - Site Selection Criteria (view on Google Sidewiki)