Saturday, October 24, 2009

NEWER (more restrictive) Regulations in 2008

Newer regulations specific to the transportation
of lithium ion rechargeable cells and batteries that are constructed with them became effective
on 1 January 2008 that states you may not pack spare lithium batteries in your checked baggage. See the '' webpage for the latest information and more details.

But you can take some spare batteries with you as carry-on baggage and there is a helpful 'How-to' page that explains what you should do with those batteries. See the webpage about protecting the contacts of those spare batteries from short-circuiting.

in reference to: (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quickly Print Using a Keyboard Shortcut

Since I have been a long time advocate of keyboard shortcuts (as some of my friends well know), I liked seeing the 'Quick Tips' in the November 2008 issue [Quickly Print Using a Keyboard Shortcut] of Microsoft Accessibility Update Newsletter. The use of control-p [CTRL+P] is almost a universal standard for printing which is why I was surprised that Microsoft's Media Player uses it as the PAUSE keyboard shortcut. I assume they thought that it would not interfere since who would want to print the audio. But this has come back to 'bite them' for in Windows Vista I have discovered that occassionaly the PRINT DIALOG box comes up on my screen when I am using it to pause Windows Media Player.

in reference to: Microsoft Accessibility Update Newsletter, November 2008 (view on Google Sidewiki)